
The team at ioda spent Valentine’s Day with our Ofsted Inspectors and, all in all, although not romantic, it was a very positive (if not a little stressful) experience!

We have always maintained that we do what we do, the ioda way, to ensure the Learner receives the very best service that they need to ‘achieve their greatness’, and we know that takes a big team effort.

It starts with us designing the right training and apprenticeship programmes for our learners. Having the right highly skilled people to deliver our programmes which includes our Coaches, Trainers and the Business Support Team, and it requires our Clients, to create the environments in which our learners can flourish. Working in true partnership has enabled us to achieve a great Ofsted result.

We are absolutely over the moon to announce that we have been awarded a ‘GOOD’ Ofsted rating in all areas.

This grade was achieved for ioda's overall effectiveness, as well as our quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and apprenticeships offering.

The inspection report also highlighted how “Leaders have developed a curriculum which is aligned effectively to meet the needs of employers” and as a result of this, “Apprentices develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours that they need to be successful.”

The full report can be found here